Monday, September 07, 2009

USA Trip

After the summer hiatus I will have a bit more time to update the blog, so apologizes for the lack of content and updates. To be honest I always saw summer the right time to spent as much as you can outdoors so didn't have or wanted time for computers.

Fires in Yosemite National Park August 09

I had a fantastic time this summer on the US.I stayed a some days in Chicago and also I drove some of the west coast, Big Sur and also to Yosemite National Park. One of the things I found more shocking were the fires. They were huge, in San Gabriel Mountains I think and also in Yosemite. Mount Wilson was on flames too.

Spooky skies Los Angeles 2009

On the way to Mojave desert

Fires near the Highway

I was told the fires can burn for weeks. The view at night was very sad, hundreds of years gone within minutes
I'll report back soon when I get a bit of time off, and also to review an exciting flight with a glider over the Mojave desert!


Pedro Vila

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